Educational Background

I have been passionate about Excellence in Education

  1. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA                 2016- Present
    PhD in Geodetic Science
    Dissertation: Application of Artificial Neural Network for downscaling of Groundwater Storage Changes
  2. Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India     &emsp 2009- 2014
    M.Sc. Tech in Applied Geology
    Dissertation: Application of Data Driven approach to address Glacier Melting

Working Experience

  1. Graduate Teaching Assistant
    School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA    August 2017 – Present
    Led 3 Geoscience labs comprising 100 students per semester and ensured the students are able to usebasic Statistics, Algebra and analytical abilities to solve problems.
  2. Graduate Student/ Researcher
    Division of Geodetic Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA    August 2016 – Present
    Developed research projects on Machine Learning applications to address real world problems.
  3. Summer Intern
    Cairn India Limited, Gurgaon, India   June 2013 – July 2013
    Worked in cross functional team and used domain knowledge to identify the good producing regionsin the oil field . The analysis had the potential to enhance better quantification of Petroleum Assets
    </ol> ### Future plans #### Acknowledgements #### Footnotes [</a>